Thursday, May 28, 2009

How did she reflect on woman?

Margaret Sanger was imprisoned 8 times, looked down upon by many, targeted by people for her belief, and fought as hard as she could. After all of that, I would say she was pretty successful. After spending almost her whole life promoting birth control and coming up with ways to make woman more respected, she got a lot out of it.

          There are not clinics everywhere around, where woman can get all different types of birth control. It helps woman who aren’t ready to have children actually enjoy life and not have that fear all the time. Margaret Sanger was truly a realistic, determined woman. She published many books and magazines and got her words out in so many ways. She showed people that woman deserve to be healthy, happy, and READY for children.

          When she moved to Arizona, she continued fighting for birth control and she held a worldwide campaign for family planning and helped form the International Planned Parenthood Federation. Her work has saved the lives of many women and most definitely improved the lives of woman everywhere.

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